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How We Use Information Collected

Sentor Technologies uses information for several general purposes: to fulfill your requests for certain products and services, to personalize your experience on our website, to keep you up to date on the latest product announcements, algorithms, or other information we think you'd like to hear about, and to better understand your needs and provide you with better services. We may also use your information to send you, direct marketing information or contact you for market research.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

Because Sentor Technologies business may reach across the globe, your personal information may be shared with other Sentor Technologies offices or subsidiaries around the world. All such entities are governed by this Privacy Policy and/or are bound by the appropriate confidentiality and data transfer agreements.

Your personal information is never shared outside Sentor Technologies without your permission, except as required by law. Inside Sentor Technologies, data is stored in controlled environment with limited access. Your information may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country where Sentor Technologies, its subsidiaries, affiliates or agents are located.

Sentor Technologies may send your personal information to other companies or people under any of the following circumstances: when we have your consent to share the information, when required to do so by law, or in urgent circumstances, to protect personal safety, the public or our websites.

Your Ability to Review and Delete Your Account and Information

You may, at any time, request a review or deletion of your Sentor Technologies account or any of your personal information held by us by sending an email to:privacy@sentortech.com

Third Party Sites

Sentor Technologies' website may contain links to other sites. Sentor Technologies does not share your personal information with those websites and is not responsible for their privacy practices. We encourage you to learn about the privacy policies of those companies.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Sentor Technologies will amend this policy from time to time. If we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will make that information available by posting a notice on this site.

Questions or Suggestions

If you have questions or concerns about our collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information, please email us at: Privacy . This document was last updated December 2022.


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