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Sentor Technologies is committed to assembling and maintaining a high-powered team of experts of men and women who are committed to technical and commercial excellence. As part of the company's goals and overall business objectives, Sentor Technologies maintains ties with regional, national and international universities. These relationships enable us to remain at the forefront of the latest technologies while providing access to specialized equipment and expertise. 

One of the key assets we look for in prospective employees is their enthusiasm and ability to develop and/or conduct successful collaborative projects with universities, industrial partners and clients. We are constantly evaluating our staffing needs.  If you have a strong background in business development, or a challenging and rewarding career in material science, solid state physics, electrical or mechanical engineering is of interest to you and is directly related to your training and experiences, you may submit your resume in confidence (text format, no attachments) along with a cover letter by Electronic mail to staffing@sentortech.com or click here for open position announcements.


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